Privacy policy
ASTER PREMIUM SRL is a personal data operator registered with the National Supervisory Authority for the Processing of Personal Data under no. 5807/2016
ASTER PREMIUM SRL guarantees the security and confidentiality of the data hosted and transmitted through its computer system. This information can be used by ASTER PREMIUM SRL to send the user order confirmation, various special offers, promotions, etc. only with the prior consent of the client. The provision of personal data to ASTER PREMIUM SRL does not imply obligation on the part of the users and they can refuse to provide this data in any circumstances and can request their deletion from the database free of charge. Any such request/notification in order to delete them from the database shall be dated, signed and sent by the person registered in the database by e-mail to the address , or by mail to the address: Aster Premim SRL, Str. Gen. Gheorghe Mardarescu no. 19 Oradea, Bihor.
Data security
ASTER PREMIUM SRL undertakes that personal data will not be disseminated to third parties with the exception of the direct marketing operator. However, the personal data may be transmitted to the legal authorities to verify commercial transactions or to other legal authorities to carry out any checks justified by law, if this is requested in accordance with the laws in force.
Datorita modului prin care datele cu caracter personal stocate de sistemul sunt transmise pe cale electronica, ASTER PREMIUM SRL nu poate fi facuta raspunzatoare in nici un fel de pierderea acestora sau de copierea informatiilor de catre persoane neautorizate, prin folosirea de aparatura sau software de interceptare. La sesizarea utilizatorilor, ASTER PREMIUM SRL va lua toate masurile si va pune la dispozitie toate fisierele necesare organelor competente abilitate sa rezolve acest tip de infractiune.
The information provided to ASTER PREMIUM SRL is used only for the purpose for which it was entered (making orders, sending messages to staff, subscribing to the newsletter, etc.), according to the laws in force. ASTER PREMIUM SRL does not provide your e-mail address to third parties, does not encourage spam, and does not make public the data provided by its clients without their explicit consent.
Respect for rights
ASTER PREMIUM SRL certifies that it will respect the rights conferred by Law no. 677/2001 regarding the protection of individuals regarding the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data, of Law no. 365/2002 regarding electronic commerce, as well as Ordinance no. 130/2000 regarding consumer protection when concluding and executing distance contracts with subsequent amendments. These rights include (the list is not exhaustive):
- the right to ask ASTER PREMIUM SRL to confirm the processing or not of your personal data, free of charge;
- the right to ask ASTER PREMIUM SRL to rectify, update, block or delete, free of charge, those data provided whose processing is not in accordance with the provisions of Law no. 677/2001;
- the right to ask ASTER PREMIUM SRL to stop, free of charge, the processing of your personal data;
- the right to ask ASTER PREMIUM SRL to stop sending promotional messages.
Any such request/notification will be given, signed and sent by the person registered in the database by e-mail to the address or by post, to the address Aster Premim SRL, Str. Gen. Gheorghe Mardarescu no. 19 Oradea, Bihor. uses security measures against the loss, alteration or misuse of information under our control.
ASTER PREMIUM SRL nu poate fi facuta responsabila pentru erorile survenite in urma neglijentei utilizatorului privind securitatea si confidentialitatea contului si parolei sale. ASTER PREMIUM SRL nu poate fi facut raspunzator in nici un fel pentru pierderea sau alterarea datelor personale stocate de in scopul precizat in prezentul document.
Orice accesare a bazei de date cu informatii personale a utilizatorilor, inclusiv orice incercare de acces neautorizat, va fi inregistrata intr-un fisier de acces. Fisierele de acces vor face posibila identificarea de catre ASTER PREMIUM SRL a persoanelor care au accesat date cu caracter personal fara un motiv legitim, in vederea sesizarii organelor competente. Orice incercare de a accesa datele personale ale altui utilizator, de a modifica continutul site-ului sau de a afecta performantele serverului pe care ruleaza site-ul, va fi considerata o tentativa de fraudare a site-ului si va pune in miscare cercetarea penala impotriva aceluia sau acelora care au initiat aceasta actiune.